September 06, 2008

September 05, 2008

Who is Sarah Palin and Why Does she Insult Me?

As hard as I try to "relate" to Sarah Palin, I find myself a bit insulted at McCain's choice of running mate. It is as if he is parading Ms. Palin around, saying "look at me, I'm so with it".

I found a great column in the New York Times today, which pretty much summed up how I've been feeling about Palin. Read Judith Warner's piece HERE. Also, I found this amusing "blog"parody: Sarah Palin's Blog

September 01, 2008

New Orleans, Then and Now

Poor New Orleans. So battered and bruised. I visited there before Katrina, and took this photo:

And with yet another hurricane, new visitors to the Quarter:

Of course, being with the Corps of Engineers, I wish I were there, battling Mother Nature and desperately trying to protect the city and monitoring the levees. I would love to deploy, for the sake of the city, I hope I don't have to.

Hopefully Gustav won't be another Katrina, and the levees won't breach again.